Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Show Report - Sat. Sept. 29, Bassline Pub, Ottawa

The Contra, Black Market Candy, High Heels Lo Fi, Static Revolt

C - the drive up was mellow, and filled with alt-rock and Starbucks. we made it in about 4.5 hours, which is ridiculous. lots of time to fuel up with a huge burger and a few drinks.

M - Yay for the Mom-mobile! Comfort, space, and a good sound system! Also? Cruise control. Handy 'cause I have a congenital lead foot from Mom's side of the family.

D - Drive highlight (or lowlight) Some dude in a black oversized pick up actually had silver balls hanging from his trailer hitch! Why didn't we get a picture?

M - Because some things are too gross and stupid to need a picture of.

D - You're right Mandy... I guess Cyn can vouch for that!

C - someone mentioned that a "girls night party" was coming tonight. woohoo! we like girlies!

D - Yes!.....yes we do!

M - Who doesn't?

C - I had been sitting still for far too long, so when I popped outside with Doug, I was doing jumps and high kicks to get some blood flow going. whoops - was doing super high kicks in a super short skirt. good grief.

D- It's O.K. Cyn...remember, you had Mandy's underpants on? So I technically didn't see yours! And the vocal demonstrations you gave to the local youth gang was quite funny as well!

M - It 's nice that Cynthia is volunteering with the underprivleged children, giving them music lessons and help with their anatomy homework.

C - I was really worried that my voice wouldn't hold. I had been sick for several days, and my throat was pretty sketchy. but by the fourth song I was pretty sure it would last for the set. I'd say it was at about 87% of regular power, which hopefully was enough to amuse everyone

D - Pretty sure the bottle and a half of tequila we went through that night helped!

M - Mother always said that alcohol kills the germs.

C- there is often one dude in the audience whose face I notice when we play Littlest Hobo. I see this glimmer of... "this is familiar", followed by "no - it couldn't be", and finally "HELL YEAH!" and suddenly there is a fist in the air and he is singing along. it's a different dude at each show, but I love that dude.

D - Littlest Hobo always goes over well and with the new "mix up the musical genre bass solo" it's just over the top. Until... you stand up and knock the drum stool over and realize you can't sit back down for the rest of the song!

M - Every song, all rockbilly, all the time...
      The first thing I heard when we finished our set was some guy hollering "That was fucking hilarious!" which is           really the best compliment anyone could pay us.

C- Girlies wore our t-shirts. That makes my black little heart melt a bit.

M - They make everyone's boobies look better! And make moobies more manly...

D - Wow, do our t-shirts ever make girlies look good!  And we don't mind a "good" girl on occasion! But we prefer them bad!!!
     Speaking of which, there might have been a "slotblock" incident at the after party. I'll try to not let that happen again! Unless we decide to share, of course! :)

C - Mandy: "how long does GoogleMaps say it is to Kingston?"
     Me: "two hours and five minutes".
     Mandy: "i'll do it in an hour forty-five".
     Me: "holy crap, she did!"

M - See my first comment.

D - That's how we roll (and rock). She gets a blues name to insert: "Leadfoot"!

C- Lunch at The Iron Duke on Wellington is well worth the detour. That black bean dip was the tastiest of all tastes, and luckily the bean effect didn't hit until hours after we were out of the car.

D - It's O.k. You two bought enough cheese in Wilton to counteract anything that goes through the digestive system for months!

C- I spent around $300 at the Wilton Cheese Factory, but $200 was for a friend with a wee Wilton Cheese addiction. I guess if you're gonna get hooked on something, great cheese isn't so bad.

M - Yeah, there's something about that cheese. I got a bag of cheese curds, but when I saw ~everyone~ coming through the door buying cheese curds, I got suspicious. So I gave the curds to my mom instead. We'll see what happens...

D - Whew...glad I don't do cheese!

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